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Showing posts from March 1, 2020


LOVE: Most of us think that love gets diminished when we start loving more people, that we have only a limited amount of the emotion, which we should be very careful in dispensing. We worry about divided loyalties and being fair to all those we love. Often, we wonder about women who had multiple children and how little love each child must be getting. However, now we know that love expands to include more. The more we love, the bigger our capacity for the emotion becomes.   Love is not quantifiable and therefore not finite. But love is not indestructible. If not cherished and nurtured, it can indeed be lost ! Love does not hang around indefinitely, waiting for nourishment. Love needs to know that it is cherished, welcomed and appreciated. Love demands love, and in the absence of appreciation, dwindles, and may even fade away. Loving others and being loved back gives us an unparalled sense of well-being and a rare confidence. We all cherish those who love us because of h