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Showing posts from March 28, 2021

"Who Am I", Exodus 3:10-17

Exodus 3:10-17 "I am who I am. " Exodus 3:14. When God showed up with marching orders, Moses said "...who am I,...?" Then God told Moses who He was, "I am who I am. " It's impossible for us to explain that mysterious name our indescribable God is describing, and His eternal presence to Moses. A sense of our weaknesses is acceptable, but if we use that as an excuse to keep God from using us, we disrespect Him. What we are saying is that God isn't good enough. The question isn't "who am I"? The question is Who is the "I am " ?

New Humanity, Acts 2:1-12

Acts 2:1-12 "When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. " Acts 2:6. When the Holy Spirit came upon the first Christians at Pentecost, He enabled them to praise God in their own language. Through this, everyone heard the same message, no matter their nationality or language. God is breaking down barriers to form a new humanity.

Stop Drifting Away, Hebrews 2:1-4

Hebrews 2:1-4 "We must pay the most careful attention... so that we do not drift away. " Hebrews 2:1. Drifting in our relationship with God is hardly noticeable at first, it happens gradually. However, spending time, talking with Him in prayer, and reading His word, confessing our wrongs to Him, and spending time with the fellow believers can help us stay close to Him. As we connect with the Lord, He will be faithful to sustain us, and we can stop drifting away.

The Cost, John 12:37-43

John 12:37-43 "They would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear. " John 12:42. John writes that days before Jesus' crucifixion, although most Israelites were still rejecting Him, many, "even among the leaders believed ". However, "They would not openly acknowledge their faith... for they loved human praise more than praise from God. " Today, we still face social pressures. Let's stand together as a people, who seek God's approval more than human praise.

Servant's Heart, Mark 9:33-37

Mark 9:33-37 "Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all ". Mark 9:35. While the disciples were arguing about which one of them was the greatest, Jesus quietly sat down and reminded them that "anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all". Then He took a child in His arms to illustrate the importance of serving others, especially the most helpless amongst us.

Don't Quit, Hebrews 12:1-11

Hebrews 12:1-11 "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfector of faith. " Hebrews 12:1-2. Paul urges in his letter to the "Hebrews" to " with perseverance... fixing our eyes on Jesus.... " When we feel like quitting, this is our signal to remember not only what Jesus suffered for us but what He helps us to endure, until the day we see Him face to face.