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Showing posts from September 24, 2006
In the present age, almost everyone is hoping for a change in the system in which a school functions. Education should be such that it meets everyone’s needs. Students, these days, are especially fed up with the education they are receiving. Education consists of three things, where the first is, to teach to observe and know the basic facts that would enable the students in forming judgements; secondly, to train children to think fruitfully and soundly; thirdly, to teach children to use their knowledge and their thought effectively for their own, as well as the common good. When students feel good about where they are, they tend to be more relaxed, creative and open to learning new things. Comfortable desks and appealing classrooms would help improve learning, while a student lounge, large auditorium and cafeteria would aid towards an ideal school. Curriculum and equipment are the major factors that should be considered when creating an ideal school. Unfortunately, most schools today l...
Even if school education is made free, it has been seen that admission and attendance rate are less where social and economic poverty exists. To attract and encourage children to attend free school system various agencies , including government departments should join hands together to achieve the target. Unfortunately, most of the agencies look for short term measures as they usually do not look beyond a time limit of five years. The fruit of a concerted effort would yield its results not before atleast eighteen years, which most of them forget, or do not like to think, as their goals are not far reaching. An honest effort may not yield result in our life time, but would make this world a better place to live, even after our departure, and make the present generation to reap its fruit.
To eliminate social poverty, school education should be made free for the economically backward children. To attract these children and their parents for the betterment of society people should come forward with knowledge and money, so that children in all countries needing assistance to improve their condition, atleast when they grow up and to catch up the modern world, get proper encouragement and platform.