On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you ! John 20:19 In John 20, Jesus had just risen from the dead. One evening the disciples were huddled together in a room behind locked doors for fear of being arrested. They did everything they could to keep people out, but Jesus suddenly walked through the door. He didn’t unlock it, open it. He just came through it. God was showing us that closed doors can’t keep us from what He has for us. Forces of darkness may have locked the door, trying to keep us outside. The door is locked with a deadbolt. The good news is that God comes through doors. He’s not limited by what’s limiting us. We’re natural; He’s supernatural. Closed doors can’t stop us. God is going to walk right through it. He’s not going to let us miss our destiny.