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Showing posts from January 16, 2022

Is God Listening ? Luke 15: 21-22

The son started his speech: “Father, I’ve sinned against God, I’ve sinned before you; I don’t deserve to be called your son ever again.” But the father wasn’t listening. Luke 15: 21-22 In Luke 15, in the story of prodigal son, when the son returned home after having wasted his father’s inheritance on wild living and partying, he passionately started pouring out his genuine remorse, but his father wasn’t listening. He was calling his staff to kill the best calf for a party, declaring, “My son was lost and now he’s found!” Are you doing what this son did, telling your Father everything you’ve done wrong, how unworthy you are of His love? Can I tell you that God is not listening? You’re wasting your breath. The moment you asked God to forgive you, He forgave you and then He forgot your sins. You’re not worthy because of what you did or didn’t do. You’re worthy only because of what Jesus did for you on the cross.

Keep Travelling Steadily, Psalm 37:34

Don’t be impatient for the Lord to act ! Keep travelling steadily along his pathway and in due season he will honour you with every blessing… Psalm 37:34 Most of us don’t like times of waiting. We’re interested in the destination, but God is interested in the journey. When we understand that He’s working in us along the way, waiting and patience become a part of the process. When you stay faithful in the waiting times, when you don’t get impatient and complain because it’s taking so long, when you don’t get upset because the door closed, when you’re traveling steadily along God’s pathway and honoring Him, He will give you every blessing. You won’t have to make it happen in your own strength, and you won’t have to manipulate people or try to force the door to open. Don’t fight the wait time. You’re not falling behind. God has already lined up the blessings He’s going to give you. He’s already put your name on things bigger and better than you’ve imagined. Now keep trav...

When You Don’t Know, Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:5-6 We all have situations that we don’t see how they’re going to work out. We do our best to find a solution, but there are some things God doesn’t want us to know. He has the solution, but if He showed you right now, it wouldn’t take any faith. If you could see the provision, the healing, or the favor that He is going to bring, it would be easy to believe. The test comes when we don’t have the answers. Thoughts tell us, “How are you going to make it after you retire? What if your health doesn’t improve?” Sometimes there is no logical solution. The more we try to reason it out, the more discouraged we get. This is what faith is all about. You don’t have to come up with a plan. You have to be comfortable not knowing. God has you in the palms of His hands. He wil...

Resist It, Matthew 7:11

If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Matthew 7:11 Sometimes religion tells us that God puts sicknesses on us to teach us something. Granted, you may learn something while you’re sick, but God doesn’t send sicknesses, afflictions, or addictions to teach you. Jesus said that if earthly fathers give their children good things, “how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask.” What loving father would ever say, “I put this sickness on my child to teach them a lesson”? As long as you think sickness comes from God, you’re not going to have faith to get rid of it. You need to see every sickness, every illness, and every addiction as the work of the enemy. It’s not yours. It doesn’t belong to you. Your body is a temple of the Most High God. The Scripture says, “Resist the enemy, and he will flee from you.” You have to resist it. Don’t ...