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Showing posts from February 6, 2022

Single Day Turnaround, Genesis 41:44

And Pharaoh declared to Joseph, “I, the king of Egypt, swear that you shall have complete charge over all the land of Egypt. Genesis 41:44 After thirteen years of being imprisoned in Egypt for a crime he didn’t do, there was nothing in Joseph’s circumstances that looked as if he would ever accomplish his dream of ruling a nation. But one day Joseph was called before Pharaoh to interpret Pharaoh’s dream, and Pharaoh was so impressed that he made Joseph the prime minister of Egypt. You may be in an unfair situation that seems as though it’s never going to turn around. You don’t need everyone to be for you; you just need the right people to be for you. God has already lined up people in positions of influence who will open doors you couldn’t open and bring you opportunities and promotion that you didn’t see coming. As was true for Joseph, you don’t have to find them, they will find you. It is the hand of God in your life.

Just A Crack, Joshua 6:4

Seven priests will walk ahead of the Ark, each carrying a ram’s horn. On the seventh day, you are to march around the town seven times, with priests blowing the horns. Joshua 6:4 The city of Jericho, which was surrounded by a huge stone wall so thick that chariots could ride on top, was the last city that stood between the people of Israel and the Promised Land. God told Joshua to have the people march around the walls once a day for six days and seven times on the seventh day. It wouldn’t have been so difficult if, while they were walking, they saw a little crack in the wall or a shift in the foundation, but nothing day after day. They didn’t understand it but just kept doing the right thing, and the final time around, the walls came tumbling down. We need to keep thanking God even though nothing is improving, keep walking by faith and not sight, and suddenly the walls of obstruction and opposition will come down.

Out Of Your Comfort Zone, Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you ? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 In Joshua 1, Moses had died, and it was time for Joshua to step into the leadership role and take the Israelites into the Promised Land. What God had in store for him was undoubtedly scary. He had defeated opponents on the way, but the obstacles and responsibilities before him were far bigger and more intimidating than anything he’d ever faced. To take new ground in your life, you can’t stay in your comfort zone. What God has in store for you will frighten you at times, but that’s okay; fear comes to us all. The key is to step forward in spite of what you feel and what your mind is telling you. You’ve been equipped for every battle. God is setting you up to go to a new level. You’ll discover strength, talent, determination, and perseverance you didn’t know you had.

A Public Display, 1 Kings 18: 36-37

Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant…Answer me, lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, Lord, are God… 1 Kings 18: 36-37 In 1 Kings 18, four hundred and fifty prophets of the god Baal came against the one prophet Elijah in a challenge to prove to the entire nation of Israel who God was through a demonstration of power. After the prophets of Baal had failed, Elijah prayed the words of today’s Scripture, and God answered with an awesome display of fire from heaven. There was no question as to whether it was the hand of the true God. Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you feel outnumbered. The sickness seems bigger, the opposition stronger, or the addiction too powerful. It’s easy to get discouraged and shrink back. But you have to do as Elijah did and not be intimidated by what’s against you. The battle is not yours; the battle is the Lord’s. He allowed that situation so H...