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Showing posts from November 28, 2021

Childlike Faith, Matthew 18:3

And he said, “Truly I tell you unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3 The Scripture talks about how we need to have childlike faith. Children don’t try to figure everything out. When you tell your child that you’re going to buy them something or take them to someplace, they don’t worry about any of the details. They don’t wonder if you have the finances to afford it. They don’t lose sleep over whether it’s going to happen or how it’s going to happen. Because they trust you to take care of it. Even though we’re humans and could break our promises, they have this incredible trust in us, believing that we wouldn’t promise it if we could not make it happen. What would happen if we had that same kind of trust in our heavenly Father, knowing that He cannot fail in what He has promised us, that He cannot go back on His Word?

An Abundant Mentality, Psalm 23:5

My cup overflows with blessings. Psalm 23:5 Some people try to convince us that spiritual people should be poor and not have much of anything. They seem to prefer that we should be constantly struggling, in debt, not able to pay your bills. That is not God’s best. Jesus didn’t come and give His life so we could barely get by and live off others’ leftovers. He came that we might live an abundant life (John 10:10). “Abundance” means to have plenty—plenty of joy, plenty of peace, plenty of good health, plenty of resources. Our God wants us to start having an abundant mentality.

Unlimited Resources, Psalm 3:4

"I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain." Psalm 3:4 What do you do when the odds are against you and nothing is working right? Sometimes we call on our friends or our spouse. God wants us to depend on Him. We have to recognize that we are limited, that we have restrictions. By ourselves, we’ll get stuck, but when we ask God to help us, when we turn to our Creator, supernatural things happen. He is unlimited and has unlimited resources. He controls the universe, and the good news is that He wants to help us. Now it’s time to go to the source. What we couldn’t do in our own strength, God is going to make it happen.

Remember Your History, Genesis 24:40

He replied, The Lord, before whom I have walked faithfully, will send his angel with you and make your journey a success. Genesis 24:40 When Abraham was old and close to death, he told his assistant to travel back to his hometown to find his son, Isaac, a wife. The assistant asked him how he would know if it was the right girl, and Abraham was saying, Don't worry because I have a history with God. I've seen His faithfulness over and over down through the years. I am confident it will happen. I have walked with God and seen His goodness. As Abraham did, we'll see times when God brought a promise to pass that looked impossible. He showed us mercy and turned a situation around. Whatever we face, keep walking in faithfulness and be confident that He will do it again and make our journey a success. PRAYER: “Father, Thank You that Your hand has been upon our lives in so many ways. Thank You for the countless things You have made happen for our good that we could never ma...

An Abundant Mentality, Psalm 23:5

My cup overflows with blessings. Psalm 23:5 Some people try to convince us that spiritual people should be poor and not have much of anything. They seem to prefer that we should be constantly struggling, in debt, not able to pay our bills. That is not God’s best. Jesus didn’t come and give His life so we could barely get by and live off others’ leftovers. He came that we might live an abundant life (John 10:10). “Abundance” means to have plenty—plenty of joy, plenty of peace, plenty of good health, plenty of resources. Our God wants us to start having an abundant mentality.