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Showing posts from August 14, 2022

Walk On Water, Matthew 14:30

But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink, “Save me, Lord.” He shouted. Matthew 14:30 In the darkness of night, Jesus came walking to His disciples across the stormy sea. Based on His word to “come,” Peter had the courage to walk on the water to Jesus. Imagine how amazed Peter was as he took step after step, looking at Jesus, doing the impossible. As long as Peter focused on what Jesus said, he was fine. But when he started focusing on what he saw, he began to doubt and sink. It’s the same principle in life. If you stay focused on what you see, you can get talked out of your dreams. You have to stay focused on what God says. When you focus on what He promises, you’ll walk on water. You’ll go places you couldn’t go on your own. You’ll overcome obstacles that are much bigger. The winds and waves are a test.

Gateways Of Hope, Hosea 2:15

I will return her vineyards to her and transform the Valley of Trouble into a gateway of hope. Hosea 2:15 We all face setbacks in our finances, health challenges, struggles in relationships, and unfair situations. It’s easy to get discouraged and think it’s never going to improve. You may feel stuck in a valley of trouble, a valley of loneliness, a valley of debt, a valley of sickness. But don’t let the valley fool you. Today’s Scripture says that God is about to transform that valley into a gateway of hope, increase, favor, and health. The valley is leading you to new levels, to better relationships, to greater influence. That valley is about to be transformed into a gateway of freedom and victory. God has a breakthrough coming your way. The addiction, the loneliness, or the anxiety is not going to hold you back. You were created to be free, to be happy, to live an abundant, fulfilled life.

Move Fast, Proverbs 3:27

“Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them.” Proverbs 3:27 Move fast when you need to forgive or ask for forgiveness. Be quick to keep your promises to God. And when you’re faced with temptation, run! Today we’re going to look at why should we move fast. We move fast when you have the opportunity to do good. The Bible says it over and over: When you see a chance to do something good for someone else, do it immediately. God puts people with needs in your life over and over again—you just have to be on the lookout for them. Their needs might be physical. Some needs could be emotional, like a need for kindness or encouragement. Proverbs 3:27 says, “Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them”. The Bible also says in Ecclesiastes 11:4, “If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done”. There’s never a “perfect” time to do anything. Plus, you’re not even guaranteed tomorrow. In John 9:4 ...