Most humans believe in a power greater than themselves. If they don’t know the true God, they are apt to create a god or gods to help them explain the mysteries of life. The God of the Bible, on the other hand, while unchanging in nature and purpose, is genuinely personal. Because we are made in his image (Genesis 1:27), we can begin to grasp what God is like by using our own person hood as a clue to God’s divine person hood. If we eliminate anything imperfect bout ourselves and magnify everything we know about God to an infinite degree, we may begin to understand God’s flawless person hood. The Bible also tells that the one true and living God actually feels. He experiences a whole range of emotional reactions that are similar to our own. He laughs (Psalm 2:4), he grieves (Genesis 6:6), he hates (Psalm 5:5), he is patient (Nehemiah 9:30), and he is compassionate (Psalm 103:8). Scripture tells us God is eternal, holy, just, all-good, wise, powerful, and loving. ...