Do you know people who start to tell you all their troubles just as soon as you meet them ? They are constantly lamenting about their problems. They never seem to get out of their dilemma. One unpleasant experience after another seems to befall them. If you happen to be one of these unfortunates, stop telling the world your troubles. People have their own problems. It is always desirable to talk about your new goals and aspirations. The repetition will firmly implant these ideas both in conscious and subconscious mind. Besides, there must always be a positive action, and your action must reflect your new thinking. If you follow this plan, ideas and solutions to your problems will automatically come to you. It is a well known fact that inventors and creative people agree that many of their ideas just seem to come to them without conscious effort at all times. Once an idea is set into motion, the subconscious mind will come up with the solution.