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Showing posts from January 21, 2007


In the rich world globalization had driven the wedge between social classes, while in the poor world, the main divide is between countries: those that adjusted to globalization and, in many areas, prospered and those that adjusted badly and, in many cases, collapsed.Indeed the Third World was never a bloc the way that that the first and second worlds were. But it was united by its opposition to colonialism and dislike for being used as a battlefield of the two then-dominant ideologies. As the Second World collapsed and globalization took off, the latter rationale evaporated, and a few countries, most notably India and China, accelerated their growth rates significantly, enjoying the fruits of freer trade and larger capital flows. And although these two countries adapted well to globalization, there is little doubt that their newfound relative prosperity opened many new fissure lines. Inequality between coastal and inland provinces, as well as between urban and rural areas, skyrocketed ...


A rather recent innovation in education is career education. Selected educators have felt that students graduating from the schools have not received adequate information on career opportunities. Further, it is felt that the school students, upon graduation, have not been prepared for selecting a career when entering the labour market. Individuals too frequently have drifted into a career rather than selecting a vocation which is satisfying to the individual.As students progress through the school years, they are to achieve relevant objectives pertaining to understanding, skills, and attitudes in career education. A variety of learning experiences, such as using films, filmstrips, slides, reading materials, resources personnel, and excursions, among others, should aid learners in understanding diverse careers. Work experience for high school students definitely is important in programmes of career education.Questions that can be asked about programmes in career education could be the f...