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Showing posts from June 12, 2022

Encourage Them All, Acts 11:23

When he arrived and saw what the grace of God had done, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. Acts 11:23 Even though some people look like they’re doing fine and don’t need encouragement, the truth is that everybody needs somebody cheering them on, somebody who sees the best in them, somebody who believes in them and supports them. You can be that person for the people in your life. Many times, you can see things in other people that they can’t see in themselves. Your words of encouragement, your words of blessing can help them step up to who they were created to be. You can be the one they can count on, because you’re not going to find fault with them, but you’ll be the one who always has healing words that uplift and push them into their destiny. Everybody is going through something difficult. Be on the lookout for those around you. There are people whom God has in your life right now who need your love, your encouragement, your k...

A Life Of Praise, Psalm 34:1

I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Psalm 34:1 Praise is not just words; it’s an attitude. Our life should be a praise to God. We should be grateful, have a smile, be good to people, and be passionate about our dreams. Anyone can give God praise when things are going your way. But the test is, will you praise Him in the wilderness? Will you worship Him in spite of what’s not working, praise Him in spite of who did you wrong? The way you bless the Lord at all times is by your praise, by always finding something to be grateful for, by not dwelling on wrongs but thanking God for what’s right. It’s by not focusing on what you lost but thanking God for what you have left, and by not complaining about what’s behind you but by being grateful for what’s in front of you.

Before You Even Ask, Isaiah 65:25

I will answer them before they even call to me. Isaiah 65:25 In Genesis 37, the brothers of Joseph hated him so much that they threw him into a deep pit and were going to leave him there to die. But just then they saw a caravan of Ishmaelite merchants coming their way, and they decided to sell Joseph to them. What’s interesting is that trade caravan had been traveling for months on their way to sell their goods in Egypt. Long before Joseph was thrown into the pit, the answer was already on the way. Long before Joseph had the problem, God had the answer already set up. God knows what you’re going to need, when you’re going to need it, and how to get it to you. The problem you’re worried about, God has the answer already en route. When you’re tempted to worry, remember that everything you need to fulfill your destiny is right on schedule. It may not have happened yet, but what God has ordained is on the way.

God Has Seen, Genesis 31:42

If the God of my father, the God of Abraham and the Fear of Isaac, had not been with me, you would surely have sent me away empty-handed. But God has seen my hardship…. Genesis 31:42 For twenty years Jacob worked for his father-in-law, Laban, bringing Laban great increase in his flocks. Fourteen of those years he worked to earn Laban’s daughters as wives, then six more for his flock. Over that time, Laban was dishonest with Jacob and unfairly changed the terms of Jacob’s wages ten times. Despite that, God’s blessing followed Jacob, and when he finally left, he had more flocks and riches than Laban. God saw the hardship and unfairness, and He was keeping the records straight. God sees what’s unfair in your life. He’s not going to just bring you out; He’s going to bring you out with abundance. The people who did you wrong are not the end.

Sent With A Purpose, John 20:21

Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you ! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you. John 20:21 In the Scripture, God brought Joseph through many years of difficult circumstances into a strategic position of influence in Egypt, so the Israelites would be able to survive a severe famine. Some of the hard things we go through and don’t understand are the result of God positioning us to carry out His purpose. In the difficult times, you have to trust Him, knowing that He’s ordering your steps. Like Joseph, God is going to send you into strategic positions of service, influence, and leadership. We’re not called to run away from the world system; we’re called to infiltrate the system. God is raising up more Josephs to run media networks, to serve in the government, to find cures for diseases, and to lead in universities, business, real estate, and technology. Your Father’s world is a big world. He’s going to position you higher than you dreamed. It’s because He can trust you. He kno...

True Humility, Proverbs 22:4

True humility and fear of the Lord lead to riches, honor, and long life. Proverbs 22:4 When you walk in humility, you ask God for guidance, you trust Him with your dreams, you honor Him by putting Him first in all your ways. That means to make pleasing Him the aim of your life, to always hunger and thirst after righteousness, to treat people with respect, to be a person of integrity, and to strive to do the right thing when no one is watching. When you do that, God promises you honor, wealth, and long life. One way you reverence God is by bringing the tithe, the first ten percent of your income to the house of the Lord. When you do that, it says that “God will open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings that you cannot contain.” Make sure you’re doing your part; make sure you’re keeping God first place, and He promises a blessing on your life that causes you to prosper. His favor will cause you to increase, to rise higher, and to accomplish things beyond your own ability.

Astounding, Acts 3: 9-10

All the people saw him walking and heard him praising God. When they realized he was the lame beggar they had seen so often at the Beautiful Gate, they were absolutely astounding. Acts 3: 9-10 Here, Peter spoke a word of faith to a crippled beggar, and he was instantly healed. When that man woke up that morning, his expectancy was to receive a few coins for his survival. He didn’t realize he was just one touch of God’s favor away from having his whole life changed. When people realized what had happened, they were absolutely astonished, and many of them came to faith in Christ as a result. God has some things in your future that are going to leave you amazed and the people around you astounded. You weren’t created to live constantly struggling. That may be how it’s been in the past, but that’s not in your future. God is about to do a new thing. He’s going to break bondages that have held you back. He’s going to increase you to where you have more than enough.

Crises, John 11:53

So from that time on, the Jewish leaders began to plot Jesus’ death. John 11:53 In John 11, after Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, some of His critics rushed back to Jerusalem to tell the religious leaders. Lazarus’ resurrection was a strategic part of the plan of God that set in motion all the other events that led Jesus to be crucified. That’s why Jesus waited on purpose for Lazarus to die. He could have gone there sooner and healed Lazarus while he was alive. But He knew the resurrection would create such a commotion that His haters would feel forced to take action. Jesus’ time had come. Sometimes what seems like a crisis to us is actually the plan of God. Mary and Martha were upset that Jesus came too late. They had no idea that their crisis was in God’s perfect plan. They thought things were out of control, but God was in complete control. Even in our crises, God is still on the throne. Nothing happens randomly.

Do You Need To Let Go, Genesis 12:1

The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go the land I will show you. Genesis 12:1 When Abraham left his country, the Lord had told him to take only his immediate family, but he added his nephew Lot. It wasn’t long before there was strife and conflict between his herders and Lot’s herders, and they had to separate with Lot taking the better land. Later Lot and his family were taken captive, and Abraham had to rescue them, risking his own safety and spending all his time and energy on problems he never should have had. Difficulties come whenever we aren’t willing to leave people whom God tells us to leave. Perhaps it’s a friend whom you’ve known is not good for you. Now you’re dealing with unnecessary trouble and heartache. What’s interesting is the name Lot means “veil or covering.” When you leave what you’re supposed to leave, the veil will come off. You’ll see things that you’ve never seen—new friends, new opportunit...