I hereby decree what you are to do for these elders of the Jews in the construction of this house of God: Their expenses are to be fully paid out of the royal treasury…so that the work will not stop. Ezra 6:8 In the Scripture, a man named Zerubbabel was in charge of rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem that had been destroyed years earlier. Everything was going fine until they laid the foundation, then the opposition came to the point where the king of Persia shut down the work. For several years, it looked as though the enemy had won. But when the king learned of the original decree to rebuild the temple, he not only approved the restart but he ordered funds from the royal treasury to pay the full construction costs. What the enemy meant for harm, God turned for good. We may have people and circumstances coming against us, but God knows how to cause it to backfire. God does work behind the scenes. People who were against us are suddenly going to be for us.