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Showing posts from October 29, 2006


Educational technology includes all educational resources --- men and materials, methods and techniques, means and media in an integrated and systematic manner to optimize learning. Learning not teaching is the crucial task of the educational process. Technology is one component in this process and can help make learning easy and interesting. A large number of schools have gone headlong into computer education --- not really computer-based education --- and usually what this means is learning how to use a computer for different tasks, including mathematical operations (statistics, spreadsheets, geometric modeling) and desktop publishing (bringing out a class magazine or making posters). Computer-based education, on the other hand, implies the use of computers as a means to educate. Lessons are designed using the capacities of the computer to stimulate, organize information, and present materials that are visual, auditory and text-based, all within the same frame. Such computer-based ed...


In the present age, almost everyone is hoping for a change in the system in which a school functions. Education should be such that it meets everyone’s needs. Students, these days, are especially fed up with the education they are receiving. Education consists of three things, where the first is, to teach to observe and know the basic facts that would enable the students in forming judgements; secondly, to train children to think fruitfully and soundly; thirdly, to teach children to use their knowledge and their thought effectively for their own, as well as the common good. When students feel good about where they are, they tend to be more relaxed, creative and open to learning new things. Comfortable desks and appealing classrooms would help improve learning, while a student lounge, large auditorium and cafeteria would aid towards an ideal school. Curriculum and equipment are the major factors that should be considered when creating an ideal school. Unfortunately, most schools today l...


XYZ School Place Visiting Slip for Medical Room Name of the Student_______________________ Class___________ Sec.____________________ Time_______________ A.M./P.M. Date: Principal/In-charge XYZ School Place Gate Pass Name of the Student_______________________ Class___________ Sec.____________________ Time_______________ A.M./P.M. Reason_____________________ Date: Principal/In-charge CERTIFICATE Of AWARD May it be known that this Certificate has been presented to For Outstanding achievement in XYZ School, Place __________________________________ Presented this ______ day of _____ 20___ XYZ School Place Warning Slip Date:____________ First Warning Seco...


Success is rarely accomplished without assistance somewhere along the way. The component elements of society are so interrelated, and so interdependent, that it is difficult to conceive of a situation where the work of one person does not either directly or indirectly affect another. Practice positive thinking every day and engage freely with others in the exchange of thoughts and ideas. The aid that you will receive will be of immense value. Great stimulation will stem from the inspiration of others, and your own particular efforts will be considerably accelerated to the achievement of your purposes.


I know a song writer who often gets his hit tunes while he is asleep. His subconscious mind works on the tune while he is asleep. It then comes to him as though he were in a dream. After heaving it in this sort of dream state, he awakens himself and puts the tune down on paper. It is like recording a dream that you want to remember. The utilization of the subconscious in this manner is an integral link in the chain of success.There are thousand approaches to the road that ultimately lead to success, but once the approaches have led you to the proper road, one must travel the “straight” and “narrow” the rest of the way. It is marked along the way with difficulties, and each milestone brings you closer to the goal, and each milestone is charged with a deep and gratifying reward of its own. Eventual success is the sum total of all these rewarding experiences merged into one glorious sensation of achievement. We now have a reasonable and logical question, can each of us do this by ourselve...


Do you know people who start to tell you all their troubles just as soon as you meet them ? They are constantly lamenting about their problems. They never seem to get out of their dilemma. One unpleasant experience after another seems to befall them. If you happen to be one of these unfortunates, stop telling the world your troubles. People have their own problems. It is always desirable to talk about your new goals and aspirations. The repetition will firmly implant these ideas both in conscious and subconscious mind. Besides, there must always be a positive action, and your action must reflect your new thinking. If you follow this plan, ideas and solutions to your problems will automatically come to you. It is a well known fact that inventors and creative people agree that many of their ideas just seem to come to them without conscious effort at all times. Once an idea is set into motion, the subconscious mind will come up with the solution.


Every new idea, somewhere down the line, will be met with either indifference or skepticism. There is an ingrained reluctance on the part of most people to accept new things. Thomas Edition found a great deal of resistance in having his electric light bulb accepted because he had neither formal education nor scientific reputation. People were being criticized for being able to talk through a hollow wire, as the telephone was called in its early days. These men, these inventors, had something in common and that was a resourcefulness, an ingenuity, and a deep faith in their own ability to reproduce their dream. They had hope and enthusiasm. They had to struggle long and hard but they never considered giving up.