“I will exalt you, LORD, for you rescued me. You refused to let my enemies triumph over me.” Psalm 30:1 Have you ever wondered, “Why are all these unfair setbacks and difficulties coming against us? Why all the opposition?” It’s because when we gave our life to Christ, God said, “You’re mine.” When He put a crown of favour on our head, we became a target to the enemy. He knows God has destined us to take new ground, so he’s working overtime to try to stop us. Those bad breaks weren’t random; those were strategic attacks. The enemy wouldn’t waste his time bringing those challenges if he didn’t know there was greatness in us. We need to know that there is a fight for our future, but it’s not our battle. God is fighting for us. The enemy may send opposition that looks too big, but God triumphs over every negative force. Those setbacks and difficulties that are trying to keep us from our destiny, God is speaking to them right now. Breakthroughs are coming, healing is coming, f...