O lord, I am your servant; yes, I am your servant, born into your household; you have freed me from my chains. Psalm 116:16 Imagine what you could become without the chains that are limiting you. What could you accomplish without that chain of fear and insecurity? What kind of relationship could you have without that chain of guilt, shame, and feeling wrong about yourself? How high could you go without that chain of negative words that were spoken over you, telling you how you don’t measure up and can never be successful? It’s time to be freed from those chains. Your destiny is too great, your assignment too important to go around bound. Quit telling yourself you’re stuck, you’ll always struggle, you’ll always be lonely, you’ll always fight depression. The chain breaker, the Most High God, is working in your life right now. When you least expect it, things are going to shift in your favor. Ask Him to set you free.