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Showing posts from August 19, 2018

Meaning In Life

Intellectually, we know that life is short and fragile. Yet, many of us live our lives and get through each day in a way that is quite inconsistent with this knowledge. Many things we do or think about - and how we feel about them - would be very different if we really appreciate that our time on earth is finite and could expire much sooner than expected without any warning. Psychologists have found that people experience "mortality" when they encounter events that expose the fragility of life. This refers to the heightened awareness that our death is inevitable and unpredictable. The impact is strongest when the events are highly personal. Some examples are a near-death experience, the sudden death of a family member or close friend, or when someone we identify closely with is incapacitated due to an accident or unexpected disease. Mortality causes anxiety and stress. But it is not necessarily negative. One positive impact is that it often leads you to ask question...