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Showing posts from November 12, 2006


Educational technology includes all educational resources --- men and materials, methods and techniques, means and media in an integrated and systematic manner to optimize learning. Learning not teaching is the crucial task of the educational process. Technology is one component in this process and can help make learning easy and interesting. A large number of schools have gone headlong into computer education --- not really computer-based education --- and usually what this means is learning how to use a computer for different tasks, including mathematical operations (statistics, spreadsheets, geometric modeling) and desktop publishing (bringing out a class magazine or making posters). Computer-based education, on the other hand, implies the use of computers as a means to educate. Lessons are designed using the capacities of the computer to stimulate, organize information, and present materials that are visual, auditory and text-based, all within the same frame. Such computer-based ed...


A young boy was fascinated to see the stirrings of life in a cocoon. The moth inside was struggling to free itself, but the process was slow and tedious. Thinking he would help the moth, he slit the cocoon with his pocketknife, and the insect emerged freely. But it had none of the expected colour, it couldn’t fly, and it soon died. The boy later learned that a moth’s struggle to free itself is a necessary part of its development, and that the process stimulates body fluids that give luster to its wings. Most of us must confess that we find it difficult to endure times of suffering and trial patiently. However, bitter disappointments, painful suffering, and shattering sorrow can be a means of strengthening our character.

Supervised Instruction

Traditional approaches to supervision of instruction may have emphasized the following techniques: The supervisor studying the lesson plan developed by the teacher prior to observing actual teaching. The supervisor becoming knowledgeable about the capacity, achievement, and home background of students to be observed in actual teaching-learning situations. The supervisor having a meeting with the teacher following the observational visit.the teacher and supervisor developing basic agreement as to ways of improving the quality of teaching. In the new method, the supervisor basically would follow the following procedure prior to and during the time an observational visit is made to the class settings: i. The supervisor would first of all study the objectives of the teacher. These objectives may be revised through the co-operative efforts of the teacher and supervisor. ii. The supervisor would then observe actual teaching going on. iii. Following observation of teaching, the supervisor wou...


"Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing." Theodore Roosevelt Verification of Age: Every employee before appointment shall produce documentary evidence of his date of birth as indicated below: Matriculation/School Final/School Leaving Certificate. A certified copy of the date of birth as recorded in the Register of the Municipality. Appointment: Before final selection an applicant for employment will be required to fill up and sign the prescribed application/general information form and undergo – an interview with the managing/administrative committee. A test of proficiency in the job he seeks in the manner considered necessary for the purpose. A medical examination. on selection and before receiving the letter of appointment, every employee shall submit documents to prove his academic and professional qualifications and years of experience in a similar job. Every person employed by the school must sign the duplicate copy of...