We think about our critics that they are prejudiced and their remarks arouse a natural antagonism in us.
But, they may contain more than truth. If nothing else, their criticism should remind us that perhaps our actions and motives do not appear to be as pure and worthy to others as we think they are.
We all have a natural tendency to retaliate when someone questions our motives and actions.
If you are wise, listen to your critics. Adverse remarks could be a blessing in disguise – if you take a positive attitude and derive from them a new understanding of your own shortcomings.
The response we make to our critics is really a judgment on our own character.
But, they may contain more than truth. If nothing else, their criticism should remind us that perhaps our actions and motives do not appear to be as pure and worthy to others as we think they are.
We all have a natural tendency to retaliate when someone questions our motives and actions.
If you are wise, listen to your critics. Adverse remarks could be a blessing in disguise – if you take a positive attitude and derive from them a new understanding of your own shortcomings.
The response we make to our critics is really a judgment on our own character.