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The term learning disability refers to many different types of learning issues that can vary widely in levels of severity. Students with a learning disability have at least average intelligence. They have areas of high functioning and areas of difficulties. Their learning disabilities are not caused by problem, such as vision or hearing impairments, or by primary emotional disturbance, and their challenges are not the result of poor schooling.
Students with learning disabilities take in information, such as sights or sounds, but may have difficulty understanding or attaching meaning to it. They find it hard to organize information so that it is readily accessible. Retrieving the information from either short or long term memory is difficult. In addition, expressing the information, either verbally through speech or writing, or nonverbally may be a problem. Students with learning disabilities often exhibit wide discrepancies between different skills areas, in other words, they may be good readers but may have great problems with spelling. People with learning disabilities tend to be hard worker who have many gifts. But without appropriate instruction, they do not achieve their potential.
There are four criteria that teachers must consider when identifying students with learning disabilities:-
1. Academic difficulties – The child with learning disabilities has difficulty learning how to read, write, spell, organize thoughts or do mathematical calculations compared with other children of the same age.
2. Discrepancy between potential and achievement – The child with learning disabilities experiences a serious discrepancy.
3. Exclusion of other factors – A person may not be classified as having disabilities if the learning problem is caused by visual or hearing impairments, mental retardation, motor disabilities, emotional disturbance, or environmental factors it excludes:
a) sensorial handicap/ inadequacy
b) intellectual handicap
4. Motor handicap – Emotional maladjustment (environmental conditions) – Neuropsychological disorder – Basic learning disabilities are the result of some type of neuropsychological disorder. (Kirk, Gallagher, & Anastasiow, 2000).
Once, scientists thought that all learning disabilities were caused by a single neurological problem. But research has helped us see that the causes are more diverse and complex. New evidence seems to show that most learning disabilities do not stem from a single, specific area of brain, but from difficulties in bringing together information from various brain regions.
Today, a leading theory is that learning disabilities stem from subtle disturbances in brain structures and functions. Some scientists believe that, in many cases, the disturbance begins before birth.
Error in fetal brain development –
· throughout pregnancy, the fetal brain develops from a few all-purpose cells into a complex organ made of billions of specialized, interconnected nerve cells called neurons. During this amazing evolution, things can go wrong that may alter how the neurons form or interconnect.
· In the early stages of pregnancy, the brain stem forms. It controls basic life functions such as breathing and digestion. Later, a deep ridge divides the cerebrum, the thinking part of the brain-into two halves, a right and left hemisphere. Finally, the areas involved with processing sight, sound, and other senses develop, as well as the areas associated with attention, thinking, and emotion.
· As new cells form, they move into place to create various brain structures. Nerve cells rapidly grow to form networks with other parts of the brain. These networks are what allow information to be shared among various regions of the brain.
· Throughout pregnancy, this brain development is vulnerable to disruptions. If the disruption occurs early, the fetus may die, or the infant may be borne with widespread disabilities and possibly mental retardation. If the disruption occurs later, when the cells are becoming specialized and moving into place, it may leave errors in the cell makeup, location or connections. Some scientists believe that these errors may later show up as learning disorders.
2. Other factors that affect brain development –
Through experiments with animals, scientists are tacking clues to determine what disrupts brain development. By studying the normal process of brain development, scientists can better understand what can go wrong. Some of these studies are examining how genes, substance abuse, pregnancy problems, and toxins may affect the developing brain.
(A) Genetic Factor:
· The fact that learning disabilities tend to run in families indicates that there may be a genetic link. For example, children who lack some of the skills needed for reading, such as hearing the separate sounds of words, are likely to have a parent with a related problem. However, a parent’s learning disability may take a slightly different form in the child. A parent who has a writing disorder may have a child with an expressive language disorder. For this reason, it seems unlikely that specific learning disorders are inherited directly. Possibly, what is inherited is a subtle brain dysfunction that can in turn lead to a learning disability.
· There may be an alternative explanation for why LD might seem to run in families. Some learning difficulties may actually stem from the family environment. For example, parents who have expressive language disorders might talk less to their children or the language they use may be distorted. In such cases, the child lacks a good model for acquiring language and therefore, may seem to be learning disabled. It seems unlikely that specific learning disorders are inherited directly.
(b) Tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use:
* Many drugs taken by the mother pass directly to the fetus. Research shows that a mother’s use of cigarettes, alcohol, or other drugs during pregnancy may have damaging effects on the unborn child.
* Scientists have found that mothers who smoke during pregnancy may be more likely to bear smaller babies. This is a concern because small newborns, usually those weighing less than 5 pounds, tend to be at risk for a variety of problems, including learning disorders.
* Alcohol also may be dangerous to the fetus’ developing brain. It appears that alcohol may distort the developing neurons. Heavy alcohol use during pregnancy has been linked to fetal alcohol syndrome, a condition that can lead to low birth weight, intellectual impairment, hyperactivity, and certain physical defects. Any alcohol use during pregnancy, however, may influence the child’s development and lead to problems with learning attention, memory, or problem solving. Because scientists have not yet identified “safe” levels, alcohol should be used cautiously by women who are pregnant or who may soon become pregnant.
* Drugs such as cocaine-especially in its smokable form known as crack-seem to affect the normal development of brain receptors. These brain cell parts help to transmit incoming signals from our skin, eyes, and ears, and help regulate our physical response to the environment. Because children with certain learning disabilities have difficulty understanding speech, sounds or letters, some researchers believe that learning disabilities, as well as ADHD, may be related to faulty receptors. Current research points to drug abuse as a possible cause of receptor damage.
(c ) Problems during pregnancy or delivery:
* Other possible causes of learning disabilities involve complications during pregnancy. In some cases, the mother’s immune system reacts to the fetus and attacks it as if it were an infection. This type of disruption seems to cause newly formed brain cells to settle in the wrong part of brain. Or during delivery, the umbilical cord may become twisted and temporarily cut off oxygen to the fetus. This, too, can impair brain functions and lead to LD.
(d) Toxins in the child’s environment:
* New brain cells and neural networks continue to be produced for a year or so after the child is born. These cells are vulnerable to certain disruptions, also.
Researchers are looking into environmental toxins that may lead to learning disabilities, possibly by disrupting childhood brain development or brain processes. Cadmium and lead, both prevalent in the environment, is becoming a leading focus of neurological research. Cadmium, used in making some steel products, can get into the soil, then into the food we eat. Lead was once common in paint and gasoline, and is still present in some pipes. A study of animals showed a connection between exposure to lead and learning difficulties. In the study, rats exposed to lead experienced changes in their brainwaves, slowing their ability to learn. The learning problems lasted for weeks, long after the rats were no longer exposed to lead.
· In addition, there is growing evidence that learning problems may develop in children with cancer who has been treated with chemotherapy or radiation at an early age. This seems particularly true of children with brain tumors who received radiation of the skulls.
a) Dyslexia:
Dyslexia is a learning disability that affects a person’s ability to deal with, acquire, and process language. It can affect all the academic areas where language is involved: reading, spelling, writing, handwriting, and math. Dyslexia takes many different forms and differs widely in levels of severity.
Reading and related language-based learning disabilities:
Signs and Symptoms:
· Reads slowly and painfully
· Experiences decoding errors, especially with the order of letters
· Shows wide disparity between listening comprehension and reading comprehension of some text.
· Has trouble with spelling
· May have difficulty with handwriting
· Exhibits difficulty recalling known words
· Has difficulty with written language
· May experience difficulty with math computations
· Decoding real words is better than nonsense words
· Substitutes one small sight word for another: a, I, he, there, was.
· Provide a quiet area for activities like reading, answering comprehension questions
· Use books on tape
· Use books with large print and big spaces between lines.
· Provide a copy of lecture notes.
· Don’t count spelling on history, science or other similar test.
· Allow alternative forms for book reports.
· Allow the use of a laptop or other computer for in-class essays.
· Use multi-sensory teaching methods
· Teach students to use logic rather than rote memory
· Present material in small units.
b) Dysgraphia:
Writing or fine motor skills deficit:-
Dysgraphia is a learning disability that affects a person’s handwriting. People with dysgraphia have difficulty forming letters and spacing letters and words evenly on the page. Their pencil grip is often tight, and the experience of writing by hand is uncomfortable.
Signs and Symptoms:
· May have illegible printing and cursive writing (despite appropriate time and attention given the task)
· Shows inconsistencies: mixtures of print and cursive, upper and lower case, or irregular sizes, shapes or slant of letters.
· Has unfinished words or letters, omitted words.
· Inconsistent spacing between words and letters
· Exhibits strange wrist, body or paper position
· Has difficulty pre-visualizing letter formation
· Copying or writing is slow or laboured
· Shows poor spatial planning on paper
· Has cramped or unusual grip/may complain of sore hand
· Has great difficulty thinking and writing at the same time (taking notes, creative writing)
· Suggest use of word processor
· Avoid chastising student for sloppy, careless work
· Use oral exams.
· Allow use of tape recorder for lectures
· Allow the use of a note taker
· Provide notes or outlines to reduce the amount of writing required
· Reduce copying aspects of work (pre-printed math problems)
· Allow use of wide rule paper and graph paper
· Suggest use of pencil grips and/or specially designed writing aids
· Provide alternatives to written assignments (video-taped reports, audio-taped reports)
c) Dyscalculia:
Mathematical Disability:
Dyscalculia is a learning disability that affects a person’s functioning in mathematics. It can affect abstract reasoning skills in math and/or the ability to perform mathematical computations. Lining up the problems in correct rows and columns can be difficult, and numbers can be reversed. For word problems, it can be difficult knowing which mathematical operation to use. Memorizing math facts can also be difficult.
Signs and Symptoms:
· Shows difficulty understanding concepts of place value, and quantity , number lines, positive and negative value , carrying and borrowing
· Has difficulty understanding and doing word problems
· Has difficulty sequencing information or events
· Exhibits difficulty using steps involved in math operations
· Shows difficulty understanding fractions
· Is challenged making change and handling money
· Displays difficulty recognizing patterns when adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing
· Has difficulty putting language to math processes
· Has difficulty understanding concepts related to time such as days, weeks, months, seasons, quarters, etc.
· Exhibits difficulty organizing problems on the page, keeping numbers lined up, following through on long division problems.
· Allow use of fingers and scratch paper.
· Use diagrams and draw math concepts
· Provide peer assistance
· Suggest use of graph paper
· Suggest use of coloured pencils to differentiate problems
· Work with manipulatives
· Draw pictures of word problems
· Use mnemonic devices to learn steps of a math concept
· Use rhythm and music to teach math facts and to set steps to a beat.
· Schedule computer time for the student for drill and practice.
4:0 General Characteristics:
Most people will, from time to time, see one or more of these warning signs in their children. This is normal. If , however, you see several of these characteristics over a long period of time, consider the possibility of a learning disability.
· Speaks later than most children
· Pronunciation problem
· Slow vocabulary growth, often unable to find the right word
· Difficulty rhyming words
· Trouble learning numbers, alphabet, days of the week, colours, shapes
· Extremely restless and easily distracted
· Trouble interacting with peers
· Fine motor skills slow to develop
Grade K – 4:
· Slow to learn the connection between letters and sounds
· Confuses basic words
· Makes consistent reading and spelling errors including letter reversals, inversions, transpositions and substitutions
· Transposes number sequences and confuses arithmetic signs
· Slow to remember facts
· Slow to learn new skills, relies heavily on memorization
· Impulsive, difficulty planning
· Unstable pencil grip
· Trouble learning about time
· Poor coordination, unaware of physical surroundings, prone to accidents.
Grade 5 – 8:
· Reverses letter sequences
· Slow to learn prefixes, suffixes, root words, and other spelling strategies
· Avoids reading aloud
· Trouble with word problems
· Difficulty with handwriting
· Awkward, fist-like, or tight pencil grip
· Avoids writing assignments
· Slow or poor recall of facts
· Difficulty making friends
· Trouble understanding body language and facil expressions.
High School Students And Adults:
· Continues to spell incorrectly, frequently spells the same word differently in a single piece of writing.
· Avoids reading and writing tasks
· Trouble summarizing
· Trouble with open-ended questions on tests
· Weak memory skills
· Difficulty adjusting to new settings
· Works slowly
· Poor grasp of abstract concepts
· Either pays too little attention to details or focuses on them too much
· Misreads information.
5:0 Role of the Teacher:
· Improving organizations skills
· Improving attentional levels
· Developing attentional levels
· Raising success levels
· Seat the student away from distractions
· Use physical touch
· Address students directly to attend to tasks
· Continually monitor students’ work
· Use simple, short and direct instruction
· Use appropriate aids
· Change the channels of communication
· Alert the student by using key phrases – “This is important”. “It is very interesting to notice…”
· Break a long task into smaller parts
· Shorten the home work assignments
· Use high interest material
· Provide clear routines
· Encourage desirable behaviour by making positive comments.
Raising Success Levels:
· Link their previous knowledge to the top
· Use your knowledge of multiple intelligence to plan lessons
· Work on strengths
· Give immediate feedback
· Provide sufficient time for instructions
· Ask questions to elicit correct answers
· Cover the content extensively
· Pace your teaching
· Provide short well paced frequent practice
· Enforce discipline consistently
Accommodation in the Classrooms:
· Provide well spaced worksheets
· Give written and oral instruction
· Provide a peer tutor
· Accept writing on alternate lines
· Allow copying notes and / or assignments from a peer.
· Implement continuous evaluation
· Condone spelling errors
· Allow extra time
· Include multiple choice questions
· Accept oral and written responses
· Allow different kinds of responses
· Include project work
· Provide additional instruction during tests
· Allow use of computer
· Accept key words for answers.


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Attempt undertaking relaxation day-to-day for 3 to 5 minutes if you are trying to stop smoking. Require a deep air in through your nostrils, and after that breathe out through your mouth. Doing this along with your eyes shut down for several minutes or so daily can help to calm you and also reduce the pressure which comes along with quitting smoking. [url=]Vibram Five Fingers Sydney[/url]
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