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Surviving and Thriving in Times of Change

Perspectives on the aging life course and the role of the elderly within society have undergone massive change in the past decades. Once the later stages of aging were seen as period of withdrawal from social interactions as the elder reflected on a life lived and prepared for and inevitable death. This viewpoint has changed dramatically in recent years as new opportunities for enhancing their quality of life, better medical care, support services and life extension technologies. Similarly, changing demographic composition of many low fertility nations have made the elderly more essential to maintain the workforce and offer opportunities for older adults to remain economically active long after traditional retirement ages. The growth of the elderly population has also encouraged growth in the institutional and home care industries, often creating a growing demand for immigrants to provide services to the growing number of elders who require assistance to maintain an independent lifestyle.
Traditionally, quality of life among the aged was measured by the concept of frailty, which used measures such as Activities of Daily Living to measure loss of functioning, and declines in ability to accomplish task seen as essential to independent living. Under a “resilience” model, however, we seek to measure the aging process from a more positive perspective that focuses on the ability of the elder to maintain an independent life in spite of potential barriers. Once we saw disabled elders as merely surviving with the reduced function, now we seek new ways to help elders thrive and overcome limitations.
Now, we seek to encourage research across a number of broad themes associated with transitions that are changing our views of aging from “surviving” to “thriving”.
One theme is that of “Successful Aging”; what behaviours, activities and choices made across the lifecourse result in a healthier and more active elderly population. This approach takes a life course approach that invites research on studies that look at health and choices at all ages and life stages, and how these choices impact quality of life among the aged.
A second theme is in the growing body of research that looks at “life extension”. This line of research tries to understand the biology of aging and how gene therapy or medicines could be used to increase longevity, creating a growing number of centenarians. Research on telomere length, gut bacteria, and other “aging clocks” are still in their infancy but many scientists feel they can slow, if not reverse the aging process.
A third theme is that of assistive devices that help an aging population maintain independence and get the help they need to be autonomous. This line of research includes companion robots, exoskeletons, and the field of gerontology which has developed an entire series of tools and resources to make living at home more practical and enhances the autonomy of the aged.
Finally, there is the theme of support services; how can family and support programs better assist the aged in remaining independent and productive and what point do we as an individual, family, community, or clinician make a reasoned decision about institutionalization and 24-hour care.
The aged are living longer and thriving in ways that were impossible only a few decades ago. The theme of Surviving and Thriving in Times of Change is particularly reflective of the changing world which the current elders are entering. The change is impacting the lives of the elderly, and the lives of the current generations who will join the ranks of the aged in years to come.


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