The life long struggle to stay relevant keeps us all engaged. In fact, once basic survival is taken care of, the struggle for relevance is the only struggle that concerns us all through life. We care about only those who are relevant to us, and are cared for by only those to whom we stay relevant. The day we are not relevant to anyone or anything we are no good to the world and cease to exist. We are relevant to those who depend on us for their happiness, security, success or even entertainment. We are also relevant to those who rely on us for their income, their well-being or upbringing. When we fulfill another person’s emotional needs, we are supremely to them. Give someone the feeling that we understand him/her more than anyone, and you instantly become indispensable. As a guide and master who shows people a path towards well-being and success, we become very pertinent too. Love is the universal way of staying relevant, we are of importance to all those who love u...