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Signs Of A Positive Workplace

Being part of a company that believes workplace wellness can mean the difference between a job you love and one you, well, don't love.
Healthy workplaces tend to exhibit a common set of traits that foster excellence and productivity. Here are 10 characteristics of workplace wellness.

1. Positive values

A positive mission statement outlines the goals and demonstrative behavior that exemplify the highest commitment to quality and service to each other, the company, customers and shareholders. The company sets out to achieve its goals in ethical, honest ways with an elevated sense of purpose to improving the planet and humanity.

2. Relaxed and productive atmosphere

People enjoy coming to work and feel appreciated, acknowledged and rewarded. Signs of fear, domination, bullyingsexual harassment, and intimidation are absent. Creativity, productivity, and thinking outside the box flourish.

3. Commitment to excellence

Employees give 200%. They strive to be the best and to deliver top-quality products and services. They take responsibility for their actions and decisions.

4. Open and honest communication

Everyone communicates in a cards-on-the-table manner, solving difficulties in a positive way. They don’t play nasty revenge games when given difficult feedback. Instead, they view feedback as an opportunity for growth.

5. Cooperation, support, and empowerment

Can-do, go-the-extra-mile and win-win attitudes are evident signs of workplace wellness. Employees have a sense of cooperation, and empowerment. Healthy competition exists without vengeful, spiteful backstabbing.

6. Sense of humor

Employees keep things in perspective, have fun, and laugh. Laughter generates endorphins, our natural antidepressants.

7. Compassion, respect, and understanding

Kindness and understanding prevail when employees face challenges such as accidents, illnesses, personal tragedies, and natural disasters. People will usually go the extra mile for others when they’re treated well and with understanding, compassion, and respect.

8. Flexibility

The company and its employees embrace change, accommodate new trends and technology, and incorporate new skills. They know if they don’t, the business will end up a dinosaur. As the saying goes, “Change is the only constant.”

9. Positive reinforcement

People need acknowledgement, appreciation, and gratitude to be motivated. Genuine compliments, rewards, bonuses, raises, promotions, and certificates of achievement are oil in the machinery. The company thanks employees regularly in these ways.

10. Emphasis on health and family

The company offers comprehensive health insurance. The corporate cafeteria features a healthy menu, and the company gym is stocked with exercise equipment.
The company offers reimbursement for childcare and/or on-site childcare


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