…his word is in my heart like afire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in indeed, I cannot.
Jeremiah 20:9
It may seem as though some of the dreams you’ve had didn’t work out, some of the promises you were believing for haven’t come to pass, and the fire has gone out in your life.
Can I encourage you that underneath the ashes of disappointment, under the wrongs that people have done to you, and under the mistakes you’ve made, a flicker is still alive?
You may not be able to see that it’s still burning, but all you have to do is stir it up.
Stir up your passion, your dreams, your creativity, and your gifts.
In today’s Scripture, the prophet Jeremiah was extremely discouraged, but deep down he realized that God’s promise was still burning.
Start dreaming again, start looking for new opportunities, start declaring God’s favor, and start praying bold prayers.
What God put in you didn’t go out.
Globalization and the attendant concerns about poverty and inequality have become a focus of discussion in a way that few other topics, except for international terrorism or global warming, have. Most people have a strong opinion on globalization, and all of them express an interest in the well-being of the world's poor. The financial press and influential international officials confidently assert that global free markets expand the horizons for the poor, whereas activist-protesters hold the opposite belief with equal intensity. Yet the strength of people's conviction is often in inverse proportion to the amount of robust factual evidence they have.As is common in contentious public debates, different people mean different things by the same word. Some interpret "globalization" to mean the global reach of communications technology and capital movements, some think of the outsourcing by domestic companies in rich countries, and others see globalization as a byword for...