1. The Society shall be called XYZ.
2. The Head Office of the Society shall be located at
3. The objects of the Society are as follows :-
(1) To organize and develop activities in areas of cultural social, economic, charitable, and educational fields, to keep alive the spirit of devotion to the pursuit of excellence in all the above areas and preferably towards education and human resource development.
(2) To help in finding avenues of employment or occupation and in acquiring facilities for technical vocational and professional training to students in India.
(3) To create, associate or cooperate with any other society or association having the same or similar objects in such manner and to such extent as may be desirable and possible.
(4) To sponsor, promote and organize schemes for the protection of ecology and environment as well as total life support systems for nature and its conservation as well as for the promotion of arts and crafts, sports and activities connected therewith.
(5) To organize workshops, seminars through members of the society in different parts of the country for educating and upgrading awareness of the general public to issues related to nature and national resources in order to highlight the dangers of environmental degradation and pollution. To promote public participation for preserving the national eco and life support systems of nature.
(6) To promote, sponsor, encourage schemes and projects and focus public attention on issues related to the preservation of our national heritage in all fields as well as to highlight the responsibility of the present generation in this regard and their accountability to the future generations.
(7) To provide leadership in promoting national integration by encouraging and supporting the spirit of adventure and discovery.
(8) To be useful to the students to help, guide, counsel, advise them for their future studies, career opportunities.
(9) To provide help to the teaching fraternity in any form.
(10) To provide help in terms of financing educational and medical aid to the needy people.
(11) To carry out the aforesaid objects, the society is empowered to do or to perform the following acts:-
(12) To hold and manage all funds and gifts of land, property or endowments for the realization of the objectives of the society.
(13) To raise funds for the society, and to borrow from banks, bankers or other persons, as and when necessary, on the security of moveable and immoveable property of the society.
(14) To purchase, take, lease or accept as gift or otherwise acquire any real or personal property and any rights therein or privileges attaching thereto, which are necessary or expedient.
(15) To invest the funds and money of the society on such terms and conditions as may be deemed expedient, and to operate upon the accounts of the society with any bank, bankers or corporate societies.
(16) To buy, sell, endorse, negotiate or transfer all government or other securities and to realize and collect interest, rent, dividend, bonus or profit on such securities or on other property of the society, whether moveable or immoveable.
(17) To do all such other acts or things as may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of any or all of the objects mentioned herein above.
(18) In case of winding up, the fund of the association shall be transferred to some other institution having the same objects.
4. The names, addresses and occupation of the Members of
the Governing Body to whom by the Rules of the Institute the
management of the affairs is entrusted are as follows :-
* * *
1A. No person shall be admitted as member of XYZ
unless he/she be above the age of 21 years and
posesses a graduate degree of a recognised
University, and has been duly proposed, seconded
and elected as such at a meeting of the Governing
1B.(I) All properties including invested funds of the
Institute shall be vested in the Governing Body of XYZ.
(II) The Governing Body shall consist of not less than five
and not more than twelve persons.
(III) The office of a member of the Governing Body shall ipso
facto be vacant :
(a) By death
(b) By resignation tendered in writing
(c) If he/she becomes of unsound mind
(d) If he/she becomes insolvent.
(e) If he/she is convicted in a court of law of an offence
involving moral turpitude.
(f) If he/she fails to attend four consecutive meeting of the
Governing Body without obtaining leave of absence from
the Governing Body.
(IV) The Governing Body shall fill up vacancy\vacancies
occurring for any of the reasons mentioned under
Clause-III above, by admitting in the first instance
requisite number of member(s) to XYZ after
observance of formalities provided under Regulation-
1A and thereafter by electing him/her/them as member(s)
of the Governing Body.
(V) The Governing Body, inter alia, shall have the
following powers :-
(a) To enter into arrangements with the state and Central Government
for securing grants-in-aid to the Institute on
such terms and conditions as may be mutually
agreed upon.
(b) To accept donations, subscriptions and endowments on
such terms and subject to such conditions as the
Governing Body may think proper.
(c) To accept grants from any Government or bodies on such terms and subject to such conditions as the Governing Body
may think proper.
(d) To purchase, acquire, take on lease, land and other
properties, dispose of or mortgage or otherwise
deal with properties of XYZ vested in
them for the time being and borrow with or without
(VI) There shall be a Secretary to the Governing Body. He
shall be appointed on such terms and conditions as the Governing
Body may decide and his duties and responsibilities will be laid
down by the Governing Body.
The secretary shall have the powers, among others, of general administration of the association and its committees, of making such disbursements as may be necessary or expedient for the association including the payments of wages and purchases.
The secretary shall (a) keep a register of membership, receipt and dispatch registers and the seals. (b) arrange the meetings. (c) carry out the policy laid down by the association. (d) arrange for the election of the members to the governing council. (e) keep in touch with the members and coordinate the work of association.
It will be the responsibility of the secretary to keep the following documents in safe custody:- (a) General Body Minutes Book; (b) Fixed Asset Register; (c) Original documents of registration of the association with the registrar of societies.
The Secretary shall have custody of all money and securities of the association. The sums due to the association shall be payable to and recoverable by the Secretary. Any sum realized or received by the association shall forthwith be handed over to the Secretary. The Secretary of the association shall keep the money of the association in such bank and in such manner as the governing body may direct.
The Secretary shall (a) collect the subscriptions and donations and keep proper accounts and pass on receipts. (b) keep a small sum of money not exceeding -----to meet day-to-day expenditure. (c) keep the accounts of the year before the annual general meeting, after getting them approved by the governing committee.(d) Take sanction of the Chairman/President for any expenditure above -------- and keep vouchers for all such expenditures.
(VII) Meetings: In all meetings of the association all decision shall be taken by simple majority votes of the members present unless. (a) The minutes of all the meetings shall be kept by the secretary or his deputy present at the meeting. (b) Normally a notice of 24 hours shall be enough for any meeting of the working committee. This time may be varied in view of the urgency of the matters on the agenda. The notice shall contain the agenda for the day. (c) The report and resolutions of the annual general meetings shall be sent to the registrar according to law. (d) All circulars, letters and communications shall be sent in the name of the secretary. The secretary shall represent the association in offices of the government and elsewhere and shall be authorized to file suits and put up representations where and when necessary. (e) The Chairman/President will be the chairman of the meetings of the general body. He/She will have an additional casting vote.
(VIII) The Chairman/President may by a letter addressed to the secretary and other office bearer by a letter addressed to the president, resign their respective offices.
(IX) An office bearer may be removed from office by a resolution passed by the working committee and affirmed by 2/3rd of the members present and voting at a special General Meeting.
(X) Not less than 2/3rd members of the association may determine that it shall be dissolved. It shall thereupon be dissolved forthwith or at the time then agreed upon. All necessary steps shall be taken by the working committee for the disposal and settlement of the property of the association, its claims and liabilities according to the rules of the association applicable thereto, if any, and if not, then, as the working committee shall find it expedient provided that in the event of any dispute arising among the members of the working committee, the affairs shall be referred to the local court at Vadodara, whose orders shall be followed in letter and spirit.
(XI) Upon dissolution, no member to receive any profit. If upon dissolution of the association, there shall remain after satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the association or any of them, but shall be given to some other society to be determined by the votes of not less than 2/3rd membership of the association at the time of such dissolution.
2. The Head Office of the Society shall be located at
3. The objects of the Society are as follows :-
(1) To organize and develop activities in areas of cultural social, economic, charitable, and educational fields, to keep alive the spirit of devotion to the pursuit of excellence in all the above areas and preferably towards education and human resource development.
(2) To help in finding avenues of employment or occupation and in acquiring facilities for technical vocational and professional training to students in India.
(3) To create, associate or cooperate with any other society or association having the same or similar objects in such manner and to such extent as may be desirable and possible.
(4) To sponsor, promote and organize schemes for the protection of ecology and environment as well as total life support systems for nature and its conservation as well as for the promotion of arts and crafts, sports and activities connected therewith.
(5) To organize workshops, seminars through members of the society in different parts of the country for educating and upgrading awareness of the general public to issues related to nature and national resources in order to highlight the dangers of environmental degradation and pollution. To promote public participation for preserving the national eco and life support systems of nature.
(6) To promote, sponsor, encourage schemes and projects and focus public attention on issues related to the preservation of our national heritage in all fields as well as to highlight the responsibility of the present generation in this regard and their accountability to the future generations.
(7) To provide leadership in promoting national integration by encouraging and supporting the spirit of adventure and discovery.
(8) To be useful to the students to help, guide, counsel, advise them for their future studies, career opportunities.
(9) To provide help to the teaching fraternity in any form.
(10) To provide help in terms of financing educational and medical aid to the needy people.
(11) To carry out the aforesaid objects, the society is empowered to do or to perform the following acts:-
(12) To hold and manage all funds and gifts of land, property or endowments for the realization of the objectives of the society.
(13) To raise funds for the society, and to borrow from banks, bankers or other persons, as and when necessary, on the security of moveable and immoveable property of the society.
(14) To purchase, take, lease or accept as gift or otherwise acquire any real or personal property and any rights therein or privileges attaching thereto, which are necessary or expedient.
(15) To invest the funds and money of the society on such terms and conditions as may be deemed expedient, and to operate upon the accounts of the society with any bank, bankers or corporate societies.
(16) To buy, sell, endorse, negotiate or transfer all government or other securities and to realize and collect interest, rent, dividend, bonus or profit on such securities or on other property of the society, whether moveable or immoveable.
(17) To do all such other acts or things as may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of any or all of the objects mentioned herein above.
(18) In case of winding up, the fund of the association shall be transferred to some other institution having the same objects.
4. The names, addresses and occupation of the Members of
the Governing Body to whom by the Rules of the Institute the
management of the affairs is entrusted are as follows :-
* * *
1A. No person shall be admitted as member of XYZ
unless he/she be above the age of 21 years and
posesses a graduate degree of a recognised
University, and has been duly proposed, seconded
and elected as such at a meeting of the Governing
1B.(I) All properties including invested funds of the
Institute shall be vested in the Governing Body of XYZ.
(II) The Governing Body shall consist of not less than five
and not more than twelve persons.
(III) The office of a member of the Governing Body shall ipso
facto be vacant :
(a) By death
(b) By resignation tendered in writing
(c) If he/she becomes of unsound mind
(d) If he/she becomes insolvent.
(e) If he/she is convicted in a court of law of an offence
involving moral turpitude.
(f) If he/she fails to attend four consecutive meeting of the
Governing Body without obtaining leave of absence from
the Governing Body.
(IV) The Governing Body shall fill up vacancy\vacancies
occurring for any of the reasons mentioned under
Clause-III above, by admitting in the first instance
requisite number of member(s) to XYZ after
observance of formalities provided under Regulation-
1A and thereafter by electing him/her/them as member(s)
of the Governing Body.
(V) The Governing Body, inter alia, shall have the
following powers :-
(a) To enter into arrangements with the state and Central Government
for securing grants-in-aid to the Institute on
such terms and conditions as may be mutually
agreed upon.
(b) To accept donations, subscriptions and endowments on
such terms and subject to such conditions as the
Governing Body may think proper.
(c) To accept grants from any Government or bodies on such terms and subject to such conditions as the Governing Body
may think proper.
(d) To purchase, acquire, take on lease, land and other
properties, dispose of or mortgage or otherwise
deal with properties of XYZ vested in
them for the time being and borrow with or without
(VI) There shall be a Secretary to the Governing Body. He
shall be appointed on such terms and conditions as the Governing
Body may decide and his duties and responsibilities will be laid
down by the Governing Body.
The secretary shall have the powers, among others, of general administration of the association and its committees, of making such disbursements as may be necessary or expedient for the association including the payments of wages and purchases.
The secretary shall (a) keep a register of membership, receipt and dispatch registers and the seals. (b) arrange the meetings. (c) carry out the policy laid down by the association. (d) arrange for the election of the members to the governing council. (e) keep in touch with the members and coordinate the work of association.
It will be the responsibility of the secretary to keep the following documents in safe custody:- (a) General Body Minutes Book; (b) Fixed Asset Register; (c) Original documents of registration of the association with the registrar of societies.
The Secretary shall have custody of all money and securities of the association. The sums due to the association shall be payable to and recoverable by the Secretary. Any sum realized or received by the association shall forthwith be handed over to the Secretary. The Secretary of the association shall keep the money of the association in such bank and in such manner as the governing body may direct.
The Secretary shall (a) collect the subscriptions and donations and keep proper accounts and pass on receipts. (b) keep a small sum of money not exceeding -----to meet day-to-day expenditure. (c) keep the accounts of the year before the annual general meeting, after getting them approved by the governing committee.(d) Take sanction of the Chairman/President for any expenditure above -------- and keep vouchers for all such expenditures.
(VII) Meetings: In all meetings of the association all decision shall be taken by simple majority votes of the members present unless. (a) The minutes of all the meetings shall be kept by the secretary or his deputy present at the meeting. (b) Normally a notice of 24 hours shall be enough for any meeting of the working committee. This time may be varied in view of the urgency of the matters on the agenda. The notice shall contain the agenda for the day. (c) The report and resolutions of the annual general meetings shall be sent to the registrar according to law. (d) All circulars, letters and communications shall be sent in the name of the secretary. The secretary shall represent the association in offices of the government and elsewhere and shall be authorized to file suits and put up representations where and when necessary. (e) The Chairman/President will be the chairman of the meetings of the general body. He/She will have an additional casting vote.
(VIII) The Chairman/President may by a letter addressed to the secretary and other office bearer by a letter addressed to the president, resign their respective offices.
(IX) An office bearer may be removed from office by a resolution passed by the working committee and affirmed by 2/3rd of the members present and voting at a special General Meeting.
(X) Not less than 2/3rd members of the association may determine that it shall be dissolved. It shall thereupon be dissolved forthwith or at the time then agreed upon. All necessary steps shall be taken by the working committee for the disposal and settlement of the property of the association, its claims and liabilities according to the rules of the association applicable thereto, if any, and if not, then, as the working committee shall find it expedient provided that in the event of any dispute arising among the members of the working committee, the affairs shall be referred to the local court at Vadodara, whose orders shall be followed in letter and spirit.
(XI) Upon dissolution, no member to receive any profit. If upon dissolution of the association, there shall remain after satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the association or any of them, but shall be given to some other society to be determined by the votes of not less than 2/3rd membership of the association at the time of such dissolution.