"Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing." Theodore Roosevelt
Verification of Age:
Every employee before appointment shall produce documentary evidence of his date of birth as indicated below:
Matriculation/School Final/School Leaving Certificate.
A certified copy of the date of birth as recorded in the Register of the Municipality.
Before final selection an applicant for employment will be required to fill up and sign the prescribed application/general information form and undergo –
an interview with the managing/administrative committee.
A test of proficiency in the job he seeks in the manner considered necessary for the purpose.
A medical examination.
on selection and before receiving the letter of appointment, every employee shall submit documents to prove his academic and professional qualifications and years of experience in a similar job.
Every person employed by the school must sign the duplicate copy of the appointment order to indicate his acceptance.
* Every employee shall furnish his/her date of birth to the administration at the time of entering service of the school.
this date of birth must be supported by his matriculation, school final or school leaving certificate granted by a university or board of secondary education or similar educational authority.
A certified copy of the date of his birth as recorded in the registers of a municipality or a local authority.
The date of birth of an employee once entered in the service records of the establishment shall be the sole evidence of his age in relation to all matters pertaining to his/her service, including fixation of the date of his retirement from the services of the establishment.
* When joining services, the employee shall furnish to the office his/her full address where all communications meant for him/her shall be sent. Any change of address shall be immediately communicated to the administration.
the appointment shall be subject to satisfactory reports from the references and proof of academic and professional qualifications as may be necessary.
Classification of employees:
Permanent employee means a person who has been engaged on a permanent basis or one who has been confirmed in service on satisfactory completion of the probationary period, and shall not include an employee who is on probation, casual, or temporary.
Probationary employee means a person who has been provisionally employed to fill a permanent vacancy and has not completed the initial probationary period of one year for teaching staff/six months for non-teaching staff, which may be extended by another one year for teaching staff/six months for non-teaching staff. He is on trial to prove his fitness for holding the vacant post on a permanent basis.
Temporary employee means a person who has been engaged for work which is essentially of a temporary character or who is temporarily employed in connection with a temporary increase in work or in a leave vacancy, for a specified period or purpose.
Casual employee means a person whose employment is of a casual and /or intermittent nature.
Trainee means a learner who is paid an allowance during the period of his training.
Are those who are called to work for part of the day. The administration does not guarantee permanent employment to part-time employees on completion of their part-time work.
an employee shall retire from the services of the school on his attaining the age of 60 years.
A teacher attaining the age of superannuation in the middle of the year may be granted extension of service upto the end of the year if recommended by the head of the school.
Any superannuated employee may be given extension of service for one year at a time upto the age of 65 years at the discretion of the management. This is subject to the employee having kept up his efficiency and being physically fit and mentally alert and so certified by the school doctor.
He/she will be given one month’s notice if it is desired to terminate his/her services before the expiry of the term of his appointment during the period of extension of service.
The services of an employee will terminate as soon as he attains the age of 65 years and no application for an extension beyond that date will be entertained.
Extension of service after superannuation cannot be claimed as a right or a precedent.
notification to employees regarding period and hours of work shall be given by the school administration. The periods and hours of work shall be subject to such change as the school administration may decide from time to time.
An employee found absent from his place of work without permission from the head of department shall be liable to be treated as unauthorized absence.
Specific duties for employees shall be detailed by the head of department or his/her representative.
All employees shall join work punctually.
An employee found reporting late for duty for 3 days will have his casual leave deducted at the rate of one day’s casual leave for every 3 days default and in the absence of such leave, for non-teaching staff, privilege leave of such employee shall be deducted at the rate of one day’s leave for every 3 days default and for teaching staff it will be considered one days’s leave without pay.
Employees arriving late upto 30 minutes after starting time shall only be allowed to join with the permission of the head of the school or his nominee or department head after submitting sufficient reason for their late attendance.
No employee shall be allowed to join duty after the expiry of half an hour from the scheduled time of starting, without sufficient reason being given in writing and without permission by the head of the school.
Any violation of the above is liable to be treated as misconduct under the rules and regulations of employment.
employees who have been asked to work beyond their normal hours of work shall be paid overtime for the extra period worked in accordance with the rules laid down in force from time to time by the administration.
Employees asked to work overtime must have the prior permission of the head of the school/head of the department in accordance with the sanction of the administration.
No overtime will be paid to officers or department heads.
Refusal to work overtime will be treated as misconduct.
ordinarily an employee appointed against a permanent vacancy will be placed on probation for one year in case of teaching staff and six months in case of non-teaching staff from the date of appointment. This probation may be extended for not more than a year thereafter for the teaching staff and not more than six months thereafter for the non-teaching staff. In all cases of an employee appointed on probation, a letter terminating or extending the probationary period of that employee shall be served on him one month before the end of the probationary period, failing which the employee will be deemed to be confirmed in that appointment.
During the period of probation an employee’s services may be terminated anytime with one month’s notice and without showing any reason. Like-wise the probationer may terminate his services in the same manner.
The services of a confirmed employee may be terminated with three months’ notice on either side or by payment of three months’ salary by either party in lieu of notice.
Any employee having a complaint or grievance arising out of employment must submit it to his immediate superior in the first instance who will deal with it as expeditiously as possible and intimate his decision to the employee concerned. If the employee is not satisfied with the decision or the action taken by the immediate superior, he may submit the matter in writing to the head of the school or any other officer so authorized by the management who shall investigate and intimate his decision to the employee. Such decision will be final.
The following acts of omission/commission on the part of any employee shall amount to misconduct for which any employee is liable to warning, loss of annual increment, yearly appreciation or dismissal according to the nature and gravity of the misconduct:
failure to observe the rules and regulations of employment.
Committing a nuisance on the school premises.
Careless work, failing to cover and complete the syllabus before the annual/public examination, and refusing to participate in the co-curricular activities of the school.
Laziness and inefficiency.
Sleeping on duty.
Habitual late attendance and habitual absence from one’s place of work during working hours.
Overstaying leave without sufficient reason.
Willful insubordination or disobedience to any reasonable lawful order of a superior either individually or collectively.
Inflicting corporal punishment on any student.
Forcing and encouraging students to take the help of private tuition.
Aiding and abetting with outside groups to cause harassment to the school administration.
Creating groupism, factions, disharmony among the staff or indulging in activities that are subversive for a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere conducive for a place of learning.
If an employee is warned by the administration a warning letter intimating the nature of his/her misconduct shall be issued to the employee. If two such warnings are given the employee may suffer the loss of his annual increment and yearly appreciation. If three such warnings are given the employee may be dealt with under Dismissal.
willful slowing down in performance of work or abetment, instigation thereof.
Inflicting corporal punishment.
Theft, fraud, dishonesty in connection with the property of the school or the theft of property of another person.
Taking or giving or soliciting bribes or any other illegal gratification.
Persistent late attendance.
Habitual absence or absence without leave for more than 10 days.
Consumption or possession of alcohol or prohibited drugs on the school premises or reporting for duty under the influence of alcohol or prohibited drugs.
Indulging in quarrels, abuses, fights, violence or any other disorderly or indecent behaviour on the school premises.
Commission of any act subversive of disciplinary or good behaviour either individually or collectively.
Engaging in trade within the premises.
willful slowing down in performance of work or abetment, instigation thereof.
Inflicting corporal punishment.
Theft, fraud, dishonesty in connection with the property of the school or the theft of property of another person.
Taking or giving or soliciting bribes or any other illegal gratification.
Persistent late attendance.
Habitual absence or absence without leave for more than 10 days.
Consumption or possession of alcohol or prohibited drugs on the school premises or reporting for duty under the influence of alcohol or prohibited drugs.
Indulging in quarrels, abuses, fights, violence or any other disorderly or indecent behaviour on the school premises.
Commission of any act subversive of disciplinary or good behaviour either individually or collectively.
Engaging in trade within the premises.
Habitual neglect of work, failing to cover and complete the syllabus before the annual/public examination, and refusing to participate in the co-curricular activities of the school.
Willful or careless damage to the property within the premises.
Gambling or money lending within the school.
Failure to observe the safety precautions or interference with the safety devices or equipment installed in the premises.
Obtaining employment by concealment of his true reference or by giving false information regarding age, qualification, past experience or past employment..
Refusal to vacate residential quarters on demand.
Smoking on the school premises or in the school vehicles.
Leaving the place of work during duty hours without permission from the administration.
Interference with other employees’ work, disturbing them or causing annoyance to them at work.
Disturbing the peaceful atmosphere of the premises by demonstrating, shouting or loud talk prejudicial to peaceful and disciplined operation.
Holding any meeting, sticking or distributing handbills, notices, leaflets, booklets, pamphlets, posters or collecting of any money in the premises without prior permission from the administration.
Tampering with the school’s records or notices.
Disfiguring or writing on the walls and other property of the school.
Divulging any information pertaining to the school
Communicating directly or indirectly any official document or information to any employee or any other person to which he is not authorized to communicate such documents, or information except in accordance with any general or special order of the administration in the performance of the duties assigned to him.
Possession of lethal weapon or any other articles on the premises detrimental to the security of the school or persons concerned.
Entering or staying in the school premises outside duty hours, except for bonafide reasons or if specifically required by the administration.Giving to the press, T.V., radio or any other general news media any comment,
talk or article regarding the school without prior written permission of the school head.
Refusal to accept any order or communication addressed to the employee by the officer in charge/ department head.
The above list is not exhaustive but illustrative of the various kinds of misconduct.
Any employee found to be guilty of misconduct will be awarded any of the following punishments:
warning in writing.
Suspension .
Stoppage of subsequent increment when due.
Dismissal without notice and without any compensation.
No order of (b) to (d) above shall be made unless the employee concerned has been informed in writing of the alleged misconduct and given an opportunity to explain the circumstances alleged against him/her in writing and adduce evidence, if any, in his/her favour at a domestic enquiry to be held for this purpose.
If any employee refuses to accept a charge-sheet, order or any other communication aerved by the administration, provided he/she has been asked to accept the same in the presence of at least one witness, he/she will commit a further misconduct and will be liable to disciplinary action. A copy of the said letter should be then sent by registered post, acknowledgement due, to the individual. If he/she does not accept the registered acknowledgement due letter or does not attend the enquiry, it will be held ex-parte.
pending enquiry, the administration or any other officer so authorized by the management may suspend an employee by an order. Such suspension is not punitive. While under suspension the employee will be entitled to subsistence allowance equal to fifty percent basic wages and fifty percent of dearness allowance for the first 90 days and thereafter seventy five percent.
The accused employee shall have the right to be present at the enquiry and to produce any witness in his defence. If the accused employee does not present himself at the time fixed for the enquiry, it shall be held without him/her. He/she will be entitled to be represented by any of his/her co-employees, but no outsider will be allowed to conduct his/her defence.
Before the enquiry is held the accused employee shall be informed in writing of the exact charges made against him/her. Any employee may be suspended pending an enquiry and if he has been so suspended the enquiry shall be held as soon as possible and normally within one week from the commencement of the suspension.
The proceedings of the enquiry shall be duly and faithfully recorded and shall be forwarded by the enquiry officer to the administrative/managing committee. In case the proceedings are conducted in a language which is not understood by the accused, the administration will arrange for an interpreter.
The employees who are dismissed or have resigned will not be normally re-employed.
Any employee who is convicted in a court of law for an offence involving moral turpitude and who is sentenced to imprisonment, will be liable for dismissal without enquiry and will not be reinstated in employment.
Any enquiry relative to a misconduct or misdemeanour may be conducted by the personnel officer of the school who has been so appointed or any other person appointed for the purpose by the administration.
The subsistence allowance paid to an employee is not refundable in any circumstances, but the amount so paid is adjustable against wages which may be paid to an employee on his/her being exonerated of the charge after the departmental enquiry or criminal proceedings.
No subsistence allowance is payable to an employee during suspension meted out to him as a substantive punishment.
The payment of subsistence allowance, while under suspension, will be subject to his/her not taking up employment during the period of suspension.
In awarding punishment the administration shall take into account, the nature and gravity of misconduct, his/her previous record if any and other circumstances that may exist. A copy of the order passed on the employee shall be supplied to him/her.
Any employee may be transferred in the interest of the school, provided that any such transfer shall not adversely affect the total emoluments or the basic conditions of service of the employee concerned.Such transfers shall not operate to the prejudice of the terms of his/her remuneration, but he/she will be required to observe the rules and regulations and working days and hours scheduled relating to job/section/department to which he is transferred.
When a vacancy occurs, promotion will not necessarily depend solely on seniority. The following factors will also be taken into account:
proficiency in task assigned.
Potential for higher responsibilities.
Punctuality and good conduct on and off the premises.
Every employee shall, on leaving his/her services, be entitled on application, to an employment certificate in the form to be prescribed by the administration from time to time.
an employee permitted to occupy quarters provided by the school administration shall do so only as long as he/she is an employee of the school. The employee shall vacate the quarters within one month from the date of resignation or termination of his/her service.
The school administration may charge fee for the quarters allotted to an employee.
No employee is permitted to accept any regular employment, whole or part-time, paid/unpaid, with any individual or establishment outside his working hours, without prior written permission of the administration. Any violation of this rule may entail disciplinary action.
any employee is liable to be searched at the time of entering or leaving the premises or at other times by any person authorized by the school administration.
Employees carrying things in/out of the premises must obtain a gate pass from the administration or officer, so authorized.
no unauthorized person shall operate or interfere in anyway with school vehicles, equipment, electrical, gas, water connection or any other assets belonging to the school.
Any employee taking unnecessary risks which might involve personal danger, danger to others, danger to buildings or any other property will be liable to dismissal.
All cases of injury arising out of, or in the course of employment shall be reported immediately to the head of the school/department head.
the school administration may at any time in the event of fire, epidemic, civil disturbances or other causes beyond its control, stop any section or sections of the school, wholly or partially, for any period or periods of time without notice.
In the event of such a stoppage occurring during working hours, the employees affected will be notified by word of mouth whether they are to remain or leave their place of work. No deduction on account of such a stoppage shall be made from an employees’ wages. Reasonable notice will be given of the resumption of normal work.
A these rules and regulations are subject to amendments by the recommendations of the school managing / administrative committee.
The employees shall be notified of any changes or amendments to the rules and regulations.
The amended rules and regulations shall govern the service conditions of the employees from time to time.
Verification of Age:
Every employee before appointment shall produce documentary evidence of his date of birth as indicated below:
Matriculation/School Final/School Leaving Certificate.
A certified copy of the date of birth as recorded in the Register of the Municipality.
Before final selection an applicant for employment will be required to fill up and sign the prescribed application/general information form and undergo –
an interview with the managing/administrative committee.
A test of proficiency in the job he seeks in the manner considered necessary for the purpose.
A medical examination.
on selection and before receiving the letter of appointment, every employee shall submit documents to prove his academic and professional qualifications and years of experience in a similar job.
Every person employed by the school must sign the duplicate copy of the appointment order to indicate his acceptance.
* Every employee shall furnish his/her date of birth to the administration at the time of entering service of the school.
this date of birth must be supported by his matriculation, school final or school leaving certificate granted by a university or board of secondary education or similar educational authority.
A certified copy of the date of his birth as recorded in the registers of a municipality or a local authority.
The date of birth of an employee once entered in the service records of the establishment shall be the sole evidence of his age in relation to all matters pertaining to his/her service, including fixation of the date of his retirement from the services of the establishment.
* When joining services, the employee shall furnish to the office his/her full address where all communications meant for him/her shall be sent. Any change of address shall be immediately communicated to the administration.
the appointment shall be subject to satisfactory reports from the references and proof of academic and professional qualifications as may be necessary.
Classification of employees:
Permanent employee means a person who has been engaged on a permanent basis or one who has been confirmed in service on satisfactory completion of the probationary period, and shall not include an employee who is on probation, casual, or temporary.
Probationary employee means a person who has been provisionally employed to fill a permanent vacancy and has not completed the initial probationary period of one year for teaching staff/six months for non-teaching staff, which may be extended by another one year for teaching staff/six months for non-teaching staff. He is on trial to prove his fitness for holding the vacant post on a permanent basis.
Temporary employee means a person who has been engaged for work which is essentially of a temporary character or who is temporarily employed in connection with a temporary increase in work or in a leave vacancy, for a specified period or purpose.
Casual employee means a person whose employment is of a casual and /or intermittent nature.
Trainee means a learner who is paid an allowance during the period of his training.
Are those who are called to work for part of the day. The administration does not guarantee permanent employment to part-time employees on completion of their part-time work.
an employee shall retire from the services of the school on his attaining the age of 60 years.
A teacher attaining the age of superannuation in the middle of the year may be granted extension of service upto the end of the year if recommended by the head of the school.
Any superannuated employee may be given extension of service for one year at a time upto the age of 65 years at the discretion of the management. This is subject to the employee having kept up his efficiency and being physically fit and mentally alert and so certified by the school doctor.
He/she will be given one month’s notice if it is desired to terminate his/her services before the expiry of the term of his appointment during the period of extension of service.
The services of an employee will terminate as soon as he attains the age of 65 years and no application for an extension beyond that date will be entertained.
Extension of service after superannuation cannot be claimed as a right or a precedent.
notification to employees regarding period and hours of work shall be given by the school administration. The periods and hours of work shall be subject to such change as the school administration may decide from time to time.
An employee found absent from his place of work without permission from the head of department shall be liable to be treated as unauthorized absence.
Specific duties for employees shall be detailed by the head of department or his/her representative.
All employees shall join work punctually.
An employee found reporting late for duty for 3 days will have his casual leave deducted at the rate of one day’s casual leave for every 3 days default and in the absence of such leave, for non-teaching staff, privilege leave of such employee shall be deducted at the rate of one day’s leave for every 3 days default and for teaching staff it will be considered one days’s leave without pay.
Employees arriving late upto 30 minutes after starting time shall only be allowed to join with the permission of the head of the school or his nominee or department head after submitting sufficient reason for their late attendance.
No employee shall be allowed to join duty after the expiry of half an hour from the scheduled time of starting, without sufficient reason being given in writing and without permission by the head of the school.
Any violation of the above is liable to be treated as misconduct under the rules and regulations of employment.
employees who have been asked to work beyond their normal hours of work shall be paid overtime for the extra period worked in accordance with the rules laid down in force from time to time by the administration.
Employees asked to work overtime must have the prior permission of the head of the school/head of the department in accordance with the sanction of the administration.
No overtime will be paid to officers or department heads.
Refusal to work overtime will be treated as misconduct.
ordinarily an employee appointed against a permanent vacancy will be placed on probation for one year in case of teaching staff and six months in case of non-teaching staff from the date of appointment. This probation may be extended for not more than a year thereafter for the teaching staff and not more than six months thereafter for the non-teaching staff. In all cases of an employee appointed on probation, a letter terminating or extending the probationary period of that employee shall be served on him one month before the end of the probationary period, failing which the employee will be deemed to be confirmed in that appointment.
During the period of probation an employee’s services may be terminated anytime with one month’s notice and without showing any reason. Like-wise the probationer may terminate his services in the same manner.
The services of a confirmed employee may be terminated with three months’ notice on either side or by payment of three months’ salary by either party in lieu of notice.
Any employee having a complaint or grievance arising out of employment must submit it to his immediate superior in the first instance who will deal with it as expeditiously as possible and intimate his decision to the employee concerned. If the employee is not satisfied with the decision or the action taken by the immediate superior, he may submit the matter in writing to the head of the school or any other officer so authorized by the management who shall investigate and intimate his decision to the employee. Such decision will be final.
The following acts of omission/commission on the part of any employee shall amount to misconduct for which any employee is liable to warning, loss of annual increment, yearly appreciation or dismissal according to the nature and gravity of the misconduct:
failure to observe the rules and regulations of employment.
Committing a nuisance on the school premises.
Careless work, failing to cover and complete the syllabus before the annual/public examination, and refusing to participate in the co-curricular activities of the school.
Laziness and inefficiency.
Sleeping on duty.
Habitual late attendance and habitual absence from one’s place of work during working hours.
Overstaying leave without sufficient reason.
Willful insubordination or disobedience to any reasonable lawful order of a superior either individually or collectively.
Inflicting corporal punishment on any student.
Forcing and encouraging students to take the help of private tuition.
Aiding and abetting with outside groups to cause harassment to the school administration.
Creating groupism, factions, disharmony among the staff or indulging in activities that are subversive for a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere conducive for a place of learning.
If an employee is warned by the administration a warning letter intimating the nature of his/her misconduct shall be issued to the employee. If two such warnings are given the employee may suffer the loss of his annual increment and yearly appreciation. If three such warnings are given the employee may be dealt with under Dismissal.
willful slowing down in performance of work or abetment, instigation thereof.
Inflicting corporal punishment.
Theft, fraud, dishonesty in connection with the property of the school or the theft of property of another person.
Taking or giving or soliciting bribes or any other illegal gratification.
Persistent late attendance.
Habitual absence or absence without leave for more than 10 days.
Consumption or possession of alcohol or prohibited drugs on the school premises or reporting for duty under the influence of alcohol or prohibited drugs.
Indulging in quarrels, abuses, fights, violence or any other disorderly or indecent behaviour on the school premises.
Commission of any act subversive of disciplinary or good behaviour either individually or collectively.
Engaging in trade within the premises.
willful slowing down in performance of work or abetment, instigation thereof.
Inflicting corporal punishment.
Theft, fraud, dishonesty in connection with the property of the school or the theft of property of another person.
Taking or giving or soliciting bribes or any other illegal gratification.
Persistent late attendance.
Habitual absence or absence without leave for more than 10 days.
Consumption or possession of alcohol or prohibited drugs on the school premises or reporting for duty under the influence of alcohol or prohibited drugs.
Indulging in quarrels, abuses, fights, violence or any other disorderly or indecent behaviour on the school premises.
Commission of any act subversive of disciplinary or good behaviour either individually or collectively.
Engaging in trade within the premises.
Habitual neglect of work, failing to cover and complete the syllabus before the annual/public examination, and refusing to participate in the co-curricular activities of the school.
Willful or careless damage to the property within the premises.
Gambling or money lending within the school.
Failure to observe the safety precautions or interference with the safety devices or equipment installed in the premises.
Obtaining employment by concealment of his true reference or by giving false information regarding age, qualification, past experience or past employment..
Refusal to vacate residential quarters on demand.
Smoking on the school premises or in the school vehicles.
Leaving the place of work during duty hours without permission from the administration.
Interference with other employees’ work, disturbing them or causing annoyance to them at work.
Disturbing the peaceful atmosphere of the premises by demonstrating, shouting or loud talk prejudicial to peaceful and disciplined operation.
Holding any meeting, sticking or distributing handbills, notices, leaflets, booklets, pamphlets, posters or collecting of any money in the premises without prior permission from the administration.
Tampering with the school’s records or notices.
Disfiguring or writing on the walls and other property of the school.
Divulging any information pertaining to the school
Communicating directly or indirectly any official document or information to any employee or any other person to which he is not authorized to communicate such documents, or information except in accordance with any general or special order of the administration in the performance of the duties assigned to him.
Possession of lethal weapon or any other articles on the premises detrimental to the security of the school or persons concerned.
Entering or staying in the school premises outside duty hours, except for bonafide reasons or if specifically required by the administration.Giving to the press, T.V., radio or any other general news media any comment,
talk or article regarding the school without prior written permission of the school head.
Refusal to accept any order or communication addressed to the employee by the officer in charge/ department head.
The above list is not exhaustive but illustrative of the various kinds of misconduct.
Any employee found to be guilty of misconduct will be awarded any of the following punishments:
warning in writing.
Suspension .
Stoppage of subsequent increment when due.
Dismissal without notice and without any compensation.
No order of (b) to (d) above shall be made unless the employee concerned has been informed in writing of the alleged misconduct and given an opportunity to explain the circumstances alleged against him/her in writing and adduce evidence, if any, in his/her favour at a domestic enquiry to be held for this purpose.
If any employee refuses to accept a charge-sheet, order or any other communication aerved by the administration, provided he/she has been asked to accept the same in the presence of at least one witness, he/she will commit a further misconduct and will be liable to disciplinary action. A copy of the said letter should be then sent by registered post, acknowledgement due, to the individual. If he/she does not accept the registered acknowledgement due letter or does not attend the enquiry, it will be held ex-parte.
pending enquiry, the administration or any other officer so authorized by the management may suspend an employee by an order. Such suspension is not punitive. While under suspension the employee will be entitled to subsistence allowance equal to fifty percent basic wages and fifty percent of dearness allowance for the first 90 days and thereafter seventy five percent.
The accused employee shall have the right to be present at the enquiry and to produce any witness in his defence. If the accused employee does not present himself at the time fixed for the enquiry, it shall be held without him/her. He/she will be entitled to be represented by any of his/her co-employees, but no outsider will be allowed to conduct his/her defence.
Before the enquiry is held the accused employee shall be informed in writing of the exact charges made against him/her. Any employee may be suspended pending an enquiry and if he has been so suspended the enquiry shall be held as soon as possible and normally within one week from the commencement of the suspension.
The proceedings of the enquiry shall be duly and faithfully recorded and shall be forwarded by the enquiry officer to the administrative/managing committee. In case the proceedings are conducted in a language which is not understood by the accused, the administration will arrange for an interpreter.
The employees who are dismissed or have resigned will not be normally re-employed.
Any employee who is convicted in a court of law for an offence involving moral turpitude and who is sentenced to imprisonment, will be liable for dismissal without enquiry and will not be reinstated in employment.
Any enquiry relative to a misconduct or misdemeanour may be conducted by the personnel officer of the school who has been so appointed or any other person appointed for the purpose by the administration.
The subsistence allowance paid to an employee is not refundable in any circumstances, but the amount so paid is adjustable against wages which may be paid to an employee on his/her being exonerated of the charge after the departmental enquiry or criminal proceedings.
No subsistence allowance is payable to an employee during suspension meted out to him as a substantive punishment.
The payment of subsistence allowance, while under suspension, will be subject to his/her not taking up employment during the period of suspension.
In awarding punishment the administration shall take into account, the nature and gravity of misconduct, his/her previous record if any and other circumstances that may exist. A copy of the order passed on the employee shall be supplied to him/her.
Any employee may be transferred in the interest of the school, provided that any such transfer shall not adversely affect the total emoluments or the basic conditions of service of the employee concerned.Such transfers shall not operate to the prejudice of the terms of his/her remuneration, but he/she will be required to observe the rules and regulations and working days and hours scheduled relating to job/section/department to which he is transferred.
When a vacancy occurs, promotion will not necessarily depend solely on seniority. The following factors will also be taken into account:
proficiency in task assigned.
Potential for higher responsibilities.
Punctuality and good conduct on and off the premises.
Every employee shall, on leaving his/her services, be entitled on application, to an employment certificate in the form to be prescribed by the administration from time to time.
an employee permitted to occupy quarters provided by the school administration shall do so only as long as he/she is an employee of the school. The employee shall vacate the quarters within one month from the date of resignation or termination of his/her service.
The school administration may charge fee for the quarters allotted to an employee.
No employee is permitted to accept any regular employment, whole or part-time, paid/unpaid, with any individual or establishment outside his working hours, without prior written permission of the administration. Any violation of this rule may entail disciplinary action.
any employee is liable to be searched at the time of entering or leaving the premises or at other times by any person authorized by the school administration.
Employees carrying things in/out of the premises must obtain a gate pass from the administration or officer, so authorized.
no unauthorized person shall operate or interfere in anyway with school vehicles, equipment, electrical, gas, water connection or any other assets belonging to the school.
Any employee taking unnecessary risks which might involve personal danger, danger to others, danger to buildings or any other property will be liable to dismissal.
All cases of injury arising out of, or in the course of employment shall be reported immediately to the head of the school/department head.
the school administration may at any time in the event of fire, epidemic, civil disturbances or other causes beyond its control, stop any section or sections of the school, wholly or partially, for any period or periods of time without notice.
In the event of such a stoppage occurring during working hours, the employees affected will be notified by word of mouth whether they are to remain or leave their place of work. No deduction on account of such a stoppage shall be made from an employees’ wages. Reasonable notice will be given of the resumption of normal work.
A these rules and regulations are subject to amendments by the recommendations of the school managing / administrative committee.
The employees shall be notified of any changes or amendments to the rules and regulations.
The amended rules and regulations shall govern the service conditions of the employees from time to time.