Even when [Abraham] reached the land God promised him, he lived there by faith—for he was like a foreigner, living in tents.” Hebrews 11:9 (NLT) In the Bible, God made more than 7,000 promises to us—but he has not guaranteed that he’ll fulfill every one of them instantly. As a follower of Christ, you can expect that God sometimes will test your faith. And one of those tests comes when God’s promises are delayed. You know you’re facing the When Test when you’re asking, “When, Lord? When are you going to answer my prayer? When am I going to get well? When am I going to graduate? When am I going to have a baby? When am I going to get that promotion?” Abraham followed God in faith to a place he didn’t know. But once he got there, he couldn’t even settle down. For three generations, Abraham and his family were basically nomads. Even though God had promised to give Israel to Abraham, he was going to do it on his own timetable. But Abraham continued to obey because he was confident in God’s ...